I Want to Be a Surrogate. What’s Next?
Get Legal Representation for Gestational Carriers to Protect Your Right
Many surrogacy attorneys stress how crucial it is for the “intended parent or parents” (the party receiving the child) to have legal representation. However, our surrogacy law firm thinks that it is equally important for the gestational carrier to have an attorney on her side. You need to protect your rights, too. Therefore, we provide support for gestational surrogates to protect your interests in surrogacy contracts and throughout the pregnancy.
Attorney Eric A. Stovall has successfully helped numerous families who want to conceive a child using Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) via of In Vitro Fertilization (IFV). He understands the legal complexities that surrogate mothers and gestational carriers may face. He also knows that these may be at odds with each other, which is all the more reason you want someone that protects you. You are offering a family a beautiful and precious gift. Let us help you protect the baby, as well as you, during the surrogacy process.
What Legal Issues Should a Gestational Surrogate Consider?
First, consider your health. Are you physically able to handle the pregnancy? This includes your mental preparedness, as well. After nine months of carrying a baby for another family, do you think you can give it up? It is normal to hesitate when you think about these things, but, be honest with yourself.
Second, consider finances. Being a gestational surrogate is not a get rich quick scheme. As a gestational carrier in Nevada, you may be paid compensation for carrying the child, along with payments for medical bills, lost wages and travel expenses.
Third, think about the paperwork. Unsurprisingly, there is a lot of paperwork involved in surrogacy contracts. You want any issues to be addressed as soon as possible, including any contingency plans for things you may not even think of. You have to address the requests that the parents might have about genetic testing. Or, what happens if you go into preterm labor? There are a lot of what ifs that you want to make sure to consider.
Gestational Surrogacy Process in Nevada
Surrogacy laws in Nevada require separate legal representation for all the parties involved in a surrogacy contract. Because of this, you, as the gestational surrogate, need your own attorney. It is important to note that Nevada judges are aware of attorneys without state licenses unlawfully practicing law by representing parties in Nevada. When you look for an attorney to represent you, make sure he or she has a Nevada law license and experience with surrogacy.
Additionally, in Nevada, traditional surrogacy is not legal. Traditional surrogacy means that you, the surrogate, act as the egg donor and the surrogate. However, Nevada does allow gestational surrogacy. In gestational surrogacy, you, the surrogate, would not have any biological ties to the child. This is because both the embryo and sperm are implanted from the intended parents or donors via IVF.

Eric is a Reno adoption and surrogacy attorney dedicated to protecting Nevada families and helping them grow. If you are considering the adoption of a child, using a surrogate, or becoming a surrogate, contact us to learn how to get started.