Can Gay Couples Adopt in Nevada?
Yes! Here’s What You Need to Know about Gay Adoption in Nevada
Some states disallow adoptions to same-sex couples in every capacity, while others allow these adoptions across the board. Current Nevada same sex adoption laws permit same-sex partners to adopt together if they are registered domestic partners in Nevada or married under the laws of any state. Further, Nevada law also permits non-Nevada residents to apply to be domestic partners in Nevada. Since these laws may change, keep up-to-date with your adoption attorney. Our law firm is happy to help with same sex adoption. You can reach our Nevada adoption attorney at (775) 227-7221.
As Same-Sex Parents, What Adoption Choices Do We Have?
While the current Nevada LGBTQ+ adoption laws work in favor of same-sex couples, some options may or may not be available. For example, private adoption agencies have their own guidelines and requirements. Some of these exclude same-sex couples, and others cater to same-sex couples heading new families.
Additionally, international adoptions may also be possible, but they depend on the laws of the child’s native country. Another good option is an independent adoption, as this allows the adoptive parents to get to know the birthmother and make their own decisions about the adoption process. Our Nevada adoption lawyer has worked with many different agencies over the years. Because of this, he can help you find the best path to adoption for you and your family.
What is a Second Parent Petition?
A second parent petition is essentially the same as a stepparent adoption. It allows one partner in a same-sex couple to petition the court to allow him or her to become the legal parent of the second partner’s biological child. When granted, this creates a legal relationship between the non-biological parent and the child. This means that in the event of a death, divorce or break-up, both parents are equal to biological parents in the eyes of the courts. Once a second parent adoption is complete, that parent is responsible for that child until he or she is a legal adult.
Legal Help in Nevada for Gay Adoption
Contact our Nevada adoption attorney for more information about your adoption options as a same-sex couple. We will discuss what type of adoption you would like to proceed with, as well as which opportunities will be the most accessible to you. Adoption is an act of love and compassion. Our Nevada adoption law firm wants to help you fulfill your dream to adopt a child.

Eric is a Reno adoption and surrogacy attorney dedicated to protecting Nevada families and helping them grow. If you are considering the adoption of a child, using a surrogate, or becoming a surrogate, contact us to learn how to get started.